Can You Wear Uggs in the Snow?

Can You Wear Uggs in the Snow? UGGs are the ultimate savior in cold weather. So, the UGG boots may be one of your favorite winter footwear, but before keeping your step in the snow, make sure it is an excellent option to walk around the snowy surface.

Can You Wear Uggs in the Snow

However, there are some waterproof UGG winter footwear and tricks to make their waterproofing more efficient. Today, we'll talk about all of those matters.

This guide article contains all the necessary information you need to know, like - Can You Wear Uggs in the Snow or rainWhat to spray on UGGs to protect them? How to make them waterproof? What is the best waterproof spray for UGGs? Etc. Etc.


Wearing UGGs in the snow is very common. Since most people consider UGGs footwear essential for the winter season, they don't even put any effort into knowing that UGGs get ruined in the snowUnknowingly they mistakenly wear UGG footwear in the snow and end with less lasting time.

So, before moving to further discussion, let me clear the air that most UGGs are made for winter, but some of them may not be good for snow. The moisture could ruin the UGG boots, made with wool or have a suede exterior. Unless you notice the water and snow-resistant label, jumping into the snow with your UGG boots wouldn't be safe.


As I've mentioned, UGGs are suitable for winter. They provide unquestionable comfort and warmth during the cold season. Since different models have different pros and cons, you must consider various matters before deciding the best time to wear UGGs.

For instance, you first need to check whether your UGG boots are suitable for snow. For monsoon time, you need to know that your UGGS is waterproof. If you're sure about it, make sure the UGGs are slip-resistant. You'll find all answers and related solutions below. Keep scrolling.


Are your UGGS snow resistant? If yes, don't hurry to conclude that it's safe to wear in the rain. It will be a water-logged, muddy, and wet surface around you when it's raining. Most UGGs footwear is not designed for such weather.

Even after applying the best waterproofing treatment, your UGG footwear could become damp when submerged in logged water. Mud and logged nasty water will also destroy the beautiful suede exterior by leaving stubborn marks.


In most cases, the same thing applies to snow. When it's snow falling, or you're walking through the loose snow, your feet could sink into the snow, and snow could come inside the shoes. After a while, the snow will melt and make your feet and shoes wet.

Generally, snow ruins the UGG boots and changes their beautiful, unique color. Most UGG boots, typically suede-built shoes, are not resistant to snow and water. Although they will keep your feet warm for some time in the snow, after a particular time, their insoles and soles will start soaking the water and make the shoe completely wet.

Since UGG offers the most desirable warmth keeping your feet dry with the breathable construction and material, you may want to venture out through the snow wearing UGGs boots. Hence, I can recommend some water-resistant UGG boots, such as - Veronica Gumboots, Vinia Gumboots, Vivily Gumboots, etc.

These boots offer comfortable, snug fitting so snow can't get inside and come equipped with PVC exterior and Australian sheepskin insoles for desirable warmth and waterproofing efficiency against the snow.

Some more options are there, and new models are stepping into the market too. So, you never know whether your UGG boots are waterproof or not. It would always be wise to check the manufacturer's label on water and snow resistance power.


Finding out the UGG water-resistant boot isn't a chore. Waterproofing UGGs or enhancing the water-resistant power is also easy, which will be discussed later. But what will you do if your UGG boots get wet? You can't let your hard-earned money go in vain.

The following few sections are just for the persons looking for the easiest solution to overcome such a crisis. Once the UGGs get wet, the muddy water could strain the outer surface. After drying out, the dust and debris; presented in that water will blotch the shoe permanently.

However, there are some tricks and tips to make your UGG boot wearable again. You only need to wash your UGG shoes and dry them properly by following the methods mentioned below.


Since the UGGs are not water and snow-resistant, if you step out in snow or rain somehow, your footwear will get wet completely. The snow or muddy rainwater could cause discoloration or leave unwanted marks on the surface. But you can wash out the unwanted spots and retrieve the original color of the shoe by cleaning them properly.

Using Suede Brush Cleaner

  • Take an old toothbrush or soft suede brush.
  • Brush out the dust and debris from the outer surface with light-handed small circular strokes.
  • Brush the shoes only when they dry out completely, and make sure to brush out the dust in a single direction.
  • If you notice any scratch marks, make sure to put very gentle pressure on those areas.

Using Suede Eraser

Brushing separates the dirt particles efficiently but could lift the fiber of the suede material and lead to discoloration. To stop it, you can erase the mud strain or water spots using a suede eraser, just like a rubber eraser.

Using UGG Cleaning Kit

The UGG cleaning kit gives the best possible cleaning result if your UGG boots get wet from snow or rainwater. The package of shoe cleansers, conditioners, and gentle brush deep cleans the UGG shoes and increases their lifespan.

  • Brush out the loose dirt particles; stuck on the shoes. Make sure to brush in small strokes with gentle pressure.
  • Drench a soft cotton cloth in warm water and make sure to dampen the boot instead of making them wet.
  • Now take a few drops of Ugg shoe cleaner on the cloth, smear it all over the boots and gently rub the cloth on the scars.
  • Rub-off the cleanser with a damp cloth once the strains become less noticeable.
  • Now keep the shoes as it is for the next 24 hours to air dry.
  • After the shoes completely dried out, uplift the material’s thread by brushing the shoes gently.


Now you know what to do if your UGG boots get wet, and it's your turn to understand how to take care of your favorite UGG boots to prevent further damage. There are several effective methods, but the simplest yet most effective one is applying a reliable suede protector spray to make it waterproof before wearing them outside.

Treating your UGG boots with a high-quality waterproof protective spray will act as a barrier against snow and rainwater, mud, and puddle splashes. Such waterproofing treatments reduce the chances of staining and prevent the color from fading.

In addition, you can cover the upper portion with a suede protector to prevent the material from getting scratched or torn due to daily wear. However, try the Suede protector or any kind of component for waterproofing treatment on a small part of the shoe first to check if all is okay.

However, you have to follow some specific processes during waterproofing treatment. If you miss waterproofing a small area on the shoe, all your effort will go in vain. So, have your attentive look in the next section.


  • After brushing out the loose dust particle with a suede brush, evenly spray the UGG waterproofing spray all over the shoes.
  • NOTE:
    1. Make sure to do a patch test on a small area before covering it all over the shoes. If there is no discoloration issue, go ahead with the process.
    2. If there is any ornamentation on the shoes, cover them before applying the spray.
  • After applying the spray, leave the shoe as it is to air dry until it completely dried up.
  • Next, brush the shoes in one direction once the shoes dry to raise the material threads.


Waterproofing the UGG boots before you wear them is a must to ensure their long lifespan. In this case, the waterproofing spray, which comes with the UGG cleaning kit, will give you the best result. Now, follow these steps to make your UGG boots waterproof.


With waterproofing treatment and proper care, UGG shoes can last up to ten years. Since many UGG shoes are not resistant to snow and rain, it would be wise to avoid wearing them in the rain or across snowy surfaces. If your UGG boots have a water-resistant label, you can wear them in icy areas but try not to wear them in the rain.


UGG manufactures several best-quality, water-resistant, comfy-styled footwear. Their footwear is perfect for everyday wear during cold weather. Now that you know, all models are not suitable for stepping in the snow.

You also learn how to make UGGs waterproof, but I would still suggest checking whether your UGG boots are waterproof are not because it's already proven that the non-waterproof models became damp after getting submerged in water or snow.

This was the last piece of advice from my side. Hopefully, you've found this article helpful. Do share your experience with us and how the information helped you.

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