How Long Does it Take To Break in Running Shoes

shoes - break in running shoes

Are you wondering how long does it take to break in running shoes? We know that its hard to avoid the unfortunate circumstance of the “running shoes hurt my feet” situation.

Sadly, there’s no exception to it. Breaking in sneakers usually needs time for a lot of reasons. Sometimes, your feet take time adjusting to new running shoes. Our feet are shaped differently, and so the pressure applied is also uneven, so it might be long before you break in your beloved pair.

As pieces of equipment can make or break your sport, we are here to make sure that you get the best way to break into your running shoes. No need to panic; there’s a right way to do so!


The term “breaking into your shoes” basically means that you need to soften them up. Though these days, shoes are soft and cushiony right from the factories. Even then, you must wear them around for some time before an upcoming event so as to avoid friction and blisters.

why should break in running shoes

Well, when running shoes are manufactured in their respective factories, the material is a bit stiff and probably inflexible at the time. As every pair is slightly different, you need to give them time to get adjusted according to your feet.

Once you feel like your shoes have wrapped around your feet, congratulations, you have broken into them!


Well, you have probably wondered what you could do to break in new sneakers, and we have got you covered in this regard. Here are a few tips that you can do in order to maximize the efficiency of your running shoes!

1. Walking in your new shoes before running

walk in shoe - break in running shoes
  • Wear your shoes around the house for a day or two. The idea here is to walk in them, so they get adjusted to your feet shape.
  • Post walking, take them out for a short run. It’s important to remember that you mustn’t push yourself, as that can create friction and cause painful blisters. Brisk walking or running for 1-3 miles would be the perfect scenario for breaking in new running shoes.
  • Once the short miles are covered, start running in them consistently. This process makes the shoes softer and more accustomed to your feet and hence, eliminating even the idea of friction. 
  • This will definitely work for breaking in sneakers.

When you build up the use of your new shoes, they get familiar with your feet, and hence a grip is created. This reduces friction and overall the blisters too. Happy running!

2. Wearing new shoes and old shoes alternatively.

  • This is pretty easy and simple tip that can save you from a lot of pain 
  • Simply alternate between wearing new and old shoes during the same run. This won’t disrupt your schedule and help you to break in shoes without getting blisters. 
  • Wear your new shoes for 30 minutes at the beginning of your exercise, then alternate to an older pair for more comfort. 
  • This method can also work to break in tennis shoes.

3. Using duct tape or talcum powder

  • Another way to avoiding or minimizing friction and blisters from your new shoes, use duct tape or talcum powder as they maintain the comfort of your stiff footwear.
  • Rub a generous amount of talcum powder on your feet to decrease friction. As talcum powder absorbs moisture, so when you are trying out new shoes, they won’t cause pain.
  • Duct tape can be applied to key points on the foot where the skin is the most vulnerable and rubs against the inside of the shoe. These areas are usually around the heels, ankles, and the center of the foot. This will help you in adjusting to new running shoes.

This little tip will help make the ‘breaking in process’ more comfortable by stretching out parts of the shoe and absorbing the moisture that is grounds for causing friction. 


Come on, you have probably asked yourself how to break in your running shoes. It is a bit hard to determine the exact time when your shoes will be soft and plush. Ideally, it takes about 2-3 weeks for your new pairs to be broken into completely, but again, it can be done faster as well.


The material of your shoes definitely helps to determine how long does it take to break into running shoes. Nowadays, shoes are manufactured to be soft and plush right from the start, which makes it easier as well as faster to break in your shoes.

So, the relationship between materials and breaking in new running shoes is direct. The more flexible the shoes, the faster it is to break in them. 


things to consider

1. Size

The size determines how long does it take to break in running shoes.

If it feels tight, especially near the toes, then consider buying a bigger size. Also, check if your foot moves while you walk or run in them. This isn’t common, and if it happens, change the size.

On the contrary, shoes should not feel too tight either, as there is a huge difference between a shoe being loose and being roomy.

To avoid this, tighten your shoes with the laces and see if the shoe blends along with your feet. If it’s still loose, change the size. Good lacing can make all the difference.

2. Shape

Aside from the aesthetics, shoes should feel good when you walk in them. Always check the sole, the cushioning on them should feel comfortable to you.

Shoes are like your second feet, so they should feel like your own.

If you feel that the corners are too spikey, don’t buy those shoes. Chances are you will develop blisters even after breaking into them because of their material.

3. Choosing the right type of shoes

If you feel any kind of discomfort after running or working out, the shoes might not be the ones for you.

Shoes should be like an extension of your feet, and feeling any less of that isn’t what you should put your money into.

Naturally, blisters and pain, in the beginning, are still a bit normal as shoe bites are common. But having them for a prolonged period of time isn’t okay, and you shouldn’t have to deal with it.


Well, the most important thing is to do what feels the most comfortable to you. Slow and steady wins the race, so be patient when you are breaking into your shoes. Running shoes can make or break your race, so use your new pairs for a couple of months before breaking into them.

Lastly, shoe bites are hard to avoid but can be lessened with the right precautions. We hope this article helped answer your query as to how long does it take to break in running shoes. Happy running!

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